Mammillaria nejapensis

This unusual Mammillaria was discovered by Rich at the back of a shelf at the Home Despot, hiding behind dozens of other cacti. It was rather flat and unimpressive and covered with dried soil spilled from some other pot. Still, we both really liked the plant’s long white spines and wool between the tubercles. Once we got it home, repotted and eventually watered it, we were astonished! What a beautiful plant. It took up water quickly and at least doubled in size just from the water intake. Over the few months we’ve had him, the plant has grown significantly, and most noticeably, has grown very thick, shiny, silky wool to complement the white spines. I’ve read that this plant tends to have a longer growing season than many Mamms, too—only slowing down in the heat of mid-summer and the dead of winter. This Mamm branches dichotomously and eventually pups to form clusters. You can’t go wrong with this guy!

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