Pennsylvania's Native Cactus

Pennsylvania's Native Cactus

Ever since I first spent time in Arizona, I’ve been enthralled by cacti and other succulents. I love their geometric symmetries as well as their often bizarre forms, and their bright jewel-like, well, succulence. And of course, cactus flowers are typically boldly colored and intricate, and sometimes so large that they can completely overwhelm the body of the cactus beneath. Awesome!

I’ve purchased my share of Home Depot “rescue plants” as I like to call them (because I feel I’m rescuing them from the dark corner in which they inevitably wind up, and from the carefree overwatering they always seem to suffer in the big box garden centers). But they are all desert or tropical cactus species. They thrive in our sunroom and even on the deck in the summer, but they have no chance against the cold, wet northeastern winters. The problem? I had decided that my garden needed some cacti, and I was ready for the challenge of finding a species that would survive year round.

Opuntia humifusa native status
Opuntia humifusa native status


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